Experimentation with FeaturesFlow

Continuously improve your software with confidence.

With our feature toggles, experimentation becomes not just a possibility, but a seamless and integral part of your development process.

Get started with an idea.

It can be anything, from changing color of a button to redesigning whole checkout flow.

Let our hypothesis be: Using a blue CTA button will lead to higher click-through rate compared to using a purple button.
Experiment preview

Develop an experimental version of your software.

Have both versions of your feature up and running in your codebase.

Setup a feature toggle.

Create a toggle and define treatments

This experiment requires us to create only two treatments. Feel free to create as many as you like for your own purposes.
Treatments preview

Get treatment in your code and split your users.

Access FeaturesFlow through one of the SDKs.

Retrive treatments inside your code and toggle between different versions of your software.
Code preview, using the SDK

Measure impact and scale

Calculate performance of both of the versions and decide whether the experimental version performs better than the current one.

Repeat with another idea!

You can now start another experiment with a different hypothesis and see how it performs.

Ready to get started?

Start improving your software by creating a free account.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.